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Scommesse e Giochi italiani 0.3
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Sei un appassionato di calcio e giochi online? Con la nostra apppotrai rimanere sempre sul pezzo sulla Serie A, Premier League,Serie B, Liga, Ligue1, Bundesliga ed ogni competizione, non solo dicalcio.Con Scommesse e Giochi italiani, avrai in tasca una sezionenotizie e ben due siti di gioco autorizzati ad operare in Italia daAAMS: BWIN, Eurobet, William Hill, SISAL e Lottomatica.Per le tue scommesse poi ricorda sempre di verificare che ilsito di gioco abbia l'autorizzazione ed il logo AAMS,indispensabili per operare in Italia.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ricordati di giocare sempre senza esagerare; il gioco, anche suinternet è vietato ai minori e può causare dipendenza!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Questa applicazione non è stata sviluppata e non è collegata inalcun modo con BWIN, SISAL, William Hill, Lottomatica Group S.p.A,Eurobet e GSport titolare di CalcioTime.itI marchi Calciotime, Eurobet, William Hill, Better, BWIN, SISAL,Lottomatica e Gratta e Vinci appartengono ai legittimiproprietari.L'applicazione ha bisogno di una connessione ad internet, iltraffico generato, in caso di mancanza di connessione flat, saràtariffato secondo il piano del vostro operatore.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Are you afan of football and online games? With our app you can always stayon the piece on the Serie A, Premier League, Serie B, Liga, Ligue1, Bundesliga and every race, not just football.With Italian betting and games, you'll have in your pocket anews section and two gaming sites licensed to operate in Italy byAAMS: Bwin, Coral, William Hill, Sisal and Lottomatica.For your bets then always remember to check that the gamblingsite has permission and logo AAMS, which are essential to operatein Italy.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Remember to always play without exaggeration; the game, even onthe internet is unsuitable for children and can causeaddiction!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This application was not developed and is not connected in anyway with BWIN, Sisal, William Hill, Lottomatica Group SpA, Eurobetand GSports owner CalcioTime.itThe trademarks Calciotime, Coral, William Hill, Better, Bwin,Sisal, Lottomatica and Scratch belong to their respectiveowners.The app needs an internet connection, the traffic generated in theevent of a flat connection, it will be metered according to theplan of your operator.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Università degli Studi Roma3 0.1
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Questa App gratuita ha l'unica intenzione diportare tutte le informazioni relativi all'Università di Roma Trein tasca sul tuo smartphone o tablet Android.L'Università degli Studi Roma Tre è la terza istituzioneuniversitaria della capitale italiana in ordine cronologico difondazione, la seconda per numero di iscritti e uno dei principaliatenei su scala nazionale.L'App non è di proprietà dell'Università Roma Tre e non esisterelazione alcuna fra la stessa ed i realizzatori dell'App.Ogni notizia, logo, immagine o quant'altro, è di proprietàdell'Università Roma Tre.Indirizzo: Via Ostiense, 159, 00154 RomaTelefono: 06 5733 2100Anno di fondazione: 1992This free app has thesole intention of bringing all the information related to theUniversity of Roma Tre in your pocket on your Android smartphone ortablet.The University of Roma Tre is the third largest academicinstitution in the Italian capital in chronological order offoundation, the second highest number of subscribers and one of theleading universities on a national scale.The App is not owned by the University of Roma Tre and there isno relationship between the unit and the filmmakers dell'App.Any news, logo, image or whatever, is owned by the UniversityRoma Tre.Address: Via Ostiense, 159, 00154 RomePhone: 06 5733 2100Year Founded: 1992
Cinema Italia Film completi 1.9
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Veste grafica completamente rinnovata perCinema Italia - film completi online 2016, una raccolta di migliaiadi film completi in lingua italiana tutti caricati su vari canaliYouTube.Tutti i video dei film sono quindi completamente gratuiti edisponibili in streaming direttamente online e sul vostrotelefonino o tablet semplicemente richiamandoli da questa sempliceapplicazione gratuita.La lista dei film si aggiorna automaticamente e cresce di giornoin giorno.---------------------------------------------------------Questa applicazione è una raccolta di link a video ospitati su sitiweb esterni ed in particolare su YouTube; il materiale èliberamente disponibile sulla rete e consultabile attraverso lanostra applicazione da tutti gli appassionati.Qualora uno dei film dovesse essere stato caricato illegalmente,questo verrà rimosso direttamente dai gestori.L'elenco del materiale sarà periodicamente aggiornato al materialedisponibile più recente.---------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER : The content provided in this application is hostedon YouTube and is available in the public domain. We have notuploaded any videos to YouTube. This application is just anorganized way to browse and view YouTube videos alternatively.As completely newgraphics for Italian Cinema - Full Movie Online 2016, a collectionof thousands of full-length movies in Italian all loaded on variousYouTube channels.All videos of the films are therefore completely free andavailable streaming online and on your mobile or tablet by simplyretrieving them from this simple free application.The film list is automatically updated and is growing day byday.-------------------------------------------------- -------This application is a collection of links to videos hosted on Websites, particularly on YouTube; the material is freely available onthe net and available through our application by all fans.If one of the film to have been charged with illegally, it will beremoved by the owners.The list of materials will be periodically updated to the latestavailable material.-------------------------------------------------- -------DISCLAIMER: The content provided in this application is hostedon YouTube and is available in the public domain. We have notuploaded any videos to YouTube. This application is just anorganized way to browse and view YouTube videos alternatively.
Tutto su Milano 0.1
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Applicazione mobile per avere sempre a portatadi mano un'aggiornata rassegna stampa con tutte le notizie, ilmeteo, i video, i film in proiezione ed i post su Facebook relativialla Città di Milano.Scarica gratuitamente l'app per il tuo smartphone e tablet.Fonti: portali news locali, quotidiani, agenzie di stampa fracui, Leggo, Google Maps ed altreMobile to always have onhand an updated press release with all the news, weather, videos,movie projection and Facebook posts relating to the City of Milan.Download this free app to your smartphone and tablet.Sources: Local news portals, newspapers, press agenciesincluding, I read, Google Maps and other
Notizie Italia 24ore 0.1
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Notizie Italia 24h è la nuova App gratuita cheporta ogni mattina direttamente sul tuo smartphone o tablet, iprincipali quotidiani nazionali.Approfitta della semplicità dell'Applicazione per leggere in treno,alla fermata del bus, in ufficio prima di una riunione.Il Messaggero, la Repubblica, La Stampa, il Sole24Ore, La Nazioneed altri quotidiani fra i più importanti e letti in Italia.Scarica subito Notizie Italia 24h e stupirai sempre i tuoi amiciper essere sempre sul pezzo!Se vuoi aggiungere una testata di tuo interesse, contattacisegnalandocela o eventualmente inviando l'indirizzo del sito.I contenuti, gli articoli, i marchi, le foto sono tutteunicamente di proprietà delle rispettive testate che nulla hanno ache fare con l'applicazione che funge da aggregatore, ovverocollettore di link ai relativi siti che non vengono in alcun modomanomessi o compromessi nella loro originalità, fruibilità eraggiungibilità attraverso i classici canali diretti.Italian news 24 hours aday is a new free app that door every morning directly to yoursmartphone or tablet, the major national newspapers.Take advantage of the simplicity of the Application to read on thetrain, at the bus stop in the office before a meeting.Il Messaggero, La Repubblica, La Stampa, Il Sole 24 Ore, The Nationand other newspapers and read the most important in Italy.Download now always amazed News Italy 24h and friends to alwaysbe on the piece!If you'd like to add a newspaper of your interest, pleasecontact us segnalandocela or possibly sending the address of thesite.The content, articles, brands, pictures are sole property oftheir respective titles that have nothing to do with theapplication that acts as an aggregator or collector of links torelevant sites which are not in any way tampered with orcompromised in their originality, usability and accessibilitythrough the traditional direct channels.
All Sports Livescore 2016 2.4
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Fast and very accurate sports live scores from26 sports and more than 4800 leagues and competitions from aroundthe world.With the new All Sports Livescore app you will never miss LIVEresults and results from your favourite league: Serie A, PremiereLeague, Spanish Liga, French Premier, Bundesliga.--------------------------------------------------------Main features:- Updated 2016 UI- LIVE feature that allows you to watch just the current livegames for selected sport- fast and reliable results service from soccer, tennis,basketball, baseball, handball, hockey, floorball and 20 othersports- livescore and valuable live match statistics and details forother sports- mobile user friendly interface with efficient and effortlessnavigationWith this unique app you can follow all the top European leaguesand sports. In total, more than 1200 soccer competitions fromaround the globe!
Mundial football live score 0.3
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Want to get the latest scores of youfavoritefootball clubs from Spain, Germany, England or Brasil,justdownload new football live score app. App provide informationaboutmajor men’s association football club’s fixture, livescore,standing and many more.All the football leagues, included the Brasil World Cup, theUEFAChampions League, Premiere League, Liga, Serie A live score&news app provide World's primary football competition.As we are on the verge of the World Cup and than the newseasondownload this app and get the latest updates.Mundial football live score is one of the most-watched footballappsin the world, do not be the exception to miss it.
Tennis Fans Pro kit 0.1
Luna Rossa Ltd London
All the best tennis fonts always inyourpocket.Find Tennis Live Scoring, tennis players news, stats & picswithin-depth coverage of ATP tour & WTA tour, Davis Cup,FedCup.Watch videos, read blogs, event results, gear reviews & moreIf you want to add more content, contact us*All content is property of ATP and WTA, andTennisChannel. Tennis Fans Pro Kit is just a content aggregatorthatforward to the original content provider.
Viaggia in Treno 0.1
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Viaggia in treno è la nuova applicazionepersmartphone e tablets Android, totalmente gratuita, che ticonsentedi organizzare i tuoi viaggi in modo semplice e veloce.Effettua le tue ricerche sull'intera rete ferroviariaitalianafiltrando per Stazione di partenza e di arrivo, numerotreno.Disponibile in Italiano, Inglese e tedesco.Porta l'app sempre in tasca per poter effettuare la ricercadeltreno giusto al momento giusto!________________________________________________________________________________________________ATTENZIONE la proprietà dei dati e delcontenutodell'applicazione è di Trenitalia e vengono utilizzatiunicamente ascopo informativo e non di lucro.Travel by train is anewapplication for smartphones and tablets Android, freeapplicationwhich allows you to organize your travel so fast andeasy.Try your search on the entire Italian railway networkfilteringstation for departure and arrival, train number.Available in English, Italian and German.Port the app in your pocket to be able to search for therighttrain at the right time!________________________________________________________________________________________________WARNING ownership of data and application content isTrenitaliaand are used for informational purposes only and notforprofit.
London Transport 365 0.1
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Plan your journey in London withLondonUnderground, DLR, Bus, London Overground, Bikes. Be alwaysinformedon strikes, incidents, lines interrupted etcTFL open data in your hands thanks to the new London transport360Android application for smart phones and tablets.Share the superpowers the App is giving you with your friendsandfamilies.
Brazil World Cup Madness 0.1
Luna Rossa Ltd London
No matter how much you like football, thereisnothing like the thrill of actually being at a featurematch.The funniest football slot game.Take part, playing for fu, to the Brazilian World Cupmadness.Decide your team, score, win, take the Cup, be the nextfootballslots' Hero!Enjoy our free only for fun mobile slot game.
All About London 0.21
Luna Rossa Ltd London
All about London always in your pocket.Missed reading the newspaper today? Too tired to catch up ontheday’s news? All About London is a free App that will bring allthenews, videos, jobs, and facebook pages about London inyourhands.It gives most updated news about London, Londoner Of the DayandEntertainment.Install All About London free, click on the News, YouTube ortheother info tabs and be always updated!
CALCIOTIME Notizie Sportive 0.1
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Hai la testa nel pallone? Allora non puoifarea meno di portare sempre con te le notizie sulle partite del giorno, i principali avvenimenti,irisultati, le classifiche.Una finestra sul mondo dello sport sempre a portata dimano.Accedi al mondo 24 ore su 24 direttamente daltuotablet o telefonino android.Scarica l'App gratis e consigliala ai tuoi amici.Copyright © 2013 | Tutti i diritti sonoriservati.Reg. Tribunale di Parma n. 9 del 24/08/2011 - EditoreGSport - ViaA. Mercanti, 15 25018 – Montichiari, Bs Italy | Foto eimmaginiLaPresseYou have your head intheball? Then you can not help but bring with you the on the matches of the day, the main events,results,rankings.A window on the world of sport always at hand. 24-hour 24 right from your Android phoneortablet.Download the app for free and consigliala to your friends.Copyright © 2013 | All rights reserved. CourtofParma Reg no. 9 24/08/2011 - Publisher GSports - Via A.Mercanti,15 25018 - Montichiari, Italy Bs | Photos and imagesLaPresse
My Gadget news mondo digitale 0.1
Luna Rossa Ltd London
My Gadget è un'app che in modo moltosemplicevuole portare sul tuo cellulare tutte le news dal mondodigitale.In My Gadget trovi tutte le principali fonti di informazioneperessere sempre aggiornato su smartphone, tablets, sistemioperativi,informatica, IT, invenzioni e nuovi gadgets.Scarica My Gadget per portare sempre in tasca il megliodellenews del mondo digitaleMy Gadget is an appthatwants to bring in a very simple way on your phone all the newsfromthe digital world.In My Gadgets are all major sources of information to beupdatedregularly on smartphones, tablets, operating systems,computerscience, IT, new inventions and gadgets.Download My Gadgets to carry in your pocket the best news ofthedigital world
RIO - Radio Italiane Online 0.1
Luna Rossa Ltd London
R.I.O. Radio Italiane online è un progettochevuole portare la musica e la lingua italiana in giro per ilmondodirettamente nelle nostre tasche.Un'applicazione che rende facile ascoltare le principaliradionazionali e locali in mobilità installandole sui proprismartphonee tablet.Da Radio 105 a Virgin a Radio 1 New York, Golden Radio,PrimaRadio, Antenna 1, Ti Ricordi, Radio Radicale ed ancora RadioCuore,RMC e la grande RTL 102.5 e tante altre.Approfitta del lancio di RIO, scarica l'App GRATIS per tuttoilprimo mese!Se avete radio da suggerire per aggiungerle nella nostralista,contattateci e saremo felici di accontentarvi.R.I.O. ItalianRadioOnline is a project that aims to bring music and theItalianlanguage around the world directly into our pockets.An application that makes it easy to listen to the mainnationalradio stations and local mobility by installing them ontheirsmartphones and tablets.From 105 to Virgin Radio to Radio 1 New York, Golden Radio,FirstRadio, Antenna 1, Do You Remember, Radical Radio Radio Heartandagain, RMC and the large RTL 102.5 and many others.Take advantage of the launch of the RIO, download the FREEAppfor the entire first month!If you have a radio to suggest to add them to our list,contactus and we will be happy to accommodate you.
Jungle Animals Puzzle 0.1
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Jungle Animals Puzzle is a classical Game15for kids and adults in which the player will move tiles tosolvethe original image.Our 6 levels puzzles contain a variety of animal pictures.ClickPlay to start a new jigsaw puzzle, drag each puzzle pieceintoplace to qualify for next Level.
Funkysheep News al Femminile 0.12
Luna Rossa Ltd London
L'App ufficiale del portale di news tuttealfemminile è il nuovo modo di vedere donna, di leggere donna,dipensare donna.Un nuovo aggregatore dedicato dalle donne alle donne chevoglionorestare sempre informate sulle ultime novità diattualità,politica, moda, trucchi, IT, viaggi, gardening,spettacoli.Scarica l'app gratuita e porta le notizie funkysheep.netsemprein borsetta nel tuo smartphone o tablet.Se hai argomenti o sezioni che vorrestiaggiungereall'applicazione non esitare a contattarci, faremo ditutto peraccontentarti!The app's officialnewsportal all-female is the new way of looking at woman, womanreading,thinking woman.A new aggregator dedicated by women for women who always wanttostay informed on the latest news of current events,politics,fashion, makeup, IT, travel, gardening, shows.Download the free app and brings the news funkysheep.netalwaysin your purse in your smartphone or tablet.If you have topics or sections that you would like to add toyourapplication please do not hesitate to contact us, we willdoeverything to please you!
Baby Dance Time 0.9
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Baby Dance Time porta nel vostro tabletotelefonino tutte le canzoni per i vostri bambini. Lecanzoncinedello Zecchino d'Oro, le sigle dei Cartoni, le canzonidell'Asilo equelle della Nanna.Tutto sempre a vostra disposizione diviso per voti, numerodivisualizzazioni o per data.Approfittate della musica per tenere buoni i vostri bimbi acasa,in viaggio in macchina o quando la sera non vogliono andareananna.Tutto gratis per voi ed i vostri bambini.Buon divertimento!Baby Dance Time doorinyour tablet or mobile phone all the songs for your children.Thesongs of the Zecchino d'Oro, the initials of the Cartoons,Asylumsongs and those of Nanna.Everything always available for split votes, number of viewsorby date.Take advantage of good music to keep your children at home,orwhen traveling by car in the evening do not want to gotobed.All free for you and your children.Good fun!
Secret Friends Chat 1.8
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Secret Friends Chat is an instant messagingappwith a focus on speed and security and a good alternative toothermost famous chat apps. Secret Friends Chat supports groupchats withup to 100 contacts, puts a strong emphasis on securityand providesgenerous multimedia support.High level of privacy and securitySecret Friends Chat features something called "Secret Chats" -anencrypted chat connection that self-destructs messages andpreventsothers intercepting them. We do not sell or share user datawiththird-parties, there is no in-app advertising and yetSecretFriends Chat is completely free to use.Send up to 1GB of videoSecret Friends Chat allows sharing of all file types up to1.5GBalthough you may find uploading and downloading. You cansendbatches of photos rather than just one at a time and you canstorepretty much as many images as you want because Secret FriendsChatallows unlimited online storage.Secret Friends Chat also supports leaving briefvoicemessages.An excellent secure alternative to more famous chatsIf you want an instant messaging client that offers moresecurity,Secret Friends Chat is a very interesting alternative.Personalized stickers arrive!
Italy Tourism App 0.1
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Italia Travel news brings in your handsnews,pictures, videos, itineraries of the official website fortourismin Italy, sponsored by the Italian Government.Its principal objective is that of being a knowledge sourceonthe places, attractions and services relevant toItaliantourism.Keep our app handy for news and events, useful info,augmentedreality features, and much more.Download, travel, live Italy!To this end, the Official Website for Tourism in Italyavailsitself of the technical contribution of ACI Informatica-Automobile Club d'Italia, and of an editorial team underUnicityS.p.A.. Both entities are coordinated by the Office forTourismAdministration and by the Italian Ministry for CulturalAffairs andTourism (MIBACT), in collaboration with the ItalianState TourismBoard (ENIT).The Application is not property or related anyhow to theItalianGovernment but just a link to the official site.SinceJune, 2012, after a competition for Governmentalcontractors,Unicity S.p.A. won the right to create, manage andreorganize thecontent of la nostra applicazione potrai esplorare l'Italia conunaguida sempre a portata di mano.Eventi e news, consigli, informazioni utili, itinerari, videoemolto altro ancora.Scarica, viaggia, vivi l'Italia!
Egyptian soccer and sport news 0.8
Luna Rossa Ltd London
Egyptian Soccer, Egyptain Sports,EgyptianFootball, Arab Football, Arab Sports from FilGoal in ArabandEnglish.This App main scope is football news. It covers theEgyptian,Saudi and European leagues, as well as the UEFA ChampionsLeague,Africa Cup of Nations, the FIFA World Cup and otherinternationalcompetitions. It provides over 20 news pieces a daybeside opinionpieces and interviews with both players and coaches.With servicesranging from commentary and analysis, visitors' ownanalysissection, match previews and reviews.The official font for the App (and the owner of alldata,pictures, multimedia etc.) is Filgoal (In the Goal) anEgyptiansports site, owned and managed by Sarmady (a subsidiary ofVodafoneEgypt).